Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 8: Aftermath

Everybody said, you did so much this weekend,  and on this glorious Monday, it actually hit me. I was very sleepy. One of our classmates had to stay at home because he felt sick. I was not doing so much better.  During class, my professor saw my wanting-to-doze-off face and asked if I wanted a break. The critical (or most embarrassing) moment was when I suddenly felt so hungry (Why? Who knows?) that she dispatched me to the cafeteria to get food. I couldn't really function during these periods of low blood sugar. I looked over the window, at the orange tree in the school garden and wondered out loud if I could eat its fruits. My professor laughed and said, too sour, get something sweet.

Today we also get new students at the school, 7 more to be exact. There is an entire family traveling from Texas, with Mom, Dad and Son. We also get the great Roberto, at the firm age of 84. He is in great health. It is a shame to say - but it's true - his Spanish is better than mine. The people I've met here are so inspiring. Becky is 78 and learning. Roberto is at the peak of 84 and showing no sign of slowing down. Lina speaks probably more than 4 languages. Fernando from Brazil, too. Everyone has been traveling extensively, is appreciative of other cultures, aspires to learn, and is always so humble and nice. They inspire me to explore, enjoy, and appreciate life.

I had planned to walk to downtown today, but instead, I took a big nap - got up at 8 pm, aye! It is also raining outside. My professor gave me a bunch of flashcards to study irregular verbs - that probably is my entertainment tonight. And Manuel Mijares, my professor's favorite, or Enrique Iglesias, my new rediscovery.

PS: the breakfast picture makes a comeback today, because, guess what? I had papaya for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. Remember the song Bailando that I kept singing in Punta Cana? Its Enrique Iglesias ;) love that guy!
